Crypto Exchange Bankrupt After Blockport STO Ends in Utter Disaster

By CCN: Amsterdam-based cryptocurrency exchange Blockport has declared bankruptcy after its security token offering (STO) flamed out in disastrous fashion. Blockport launched a token sale between April 16 and May 15, in which the crypto exchange sought to raise €5 million ($5.62 million). But it didn’t work out as planned. Crypto Exchange Token Crashes 93% After STO Announcement The Blockport cryptocurrency crashed 93 percent. It hasn’t exactly been a great investment. | Source: CoinMarketCap In a blog post last month, Blockport Founder and Chief of Product Sebastiaan Lichter announced that…

Dutch Crypto Exchange Blockport to Attempt Relaunch After Bankruptcy Caused by Failed STO

Amsterdam-based crypto exchange Blockport will attempt a relaunch after the firm said it would shut down its platform by the end of May, tech news outlet The Next Web reports on June 4. On May 22, Blockport was declared bankrupt by a Dutch court, following the firm’s unsuccessful security token offering (STO) of Blockport Securities (BPT) tokens. Blockport first announced its STO in March, describing its BPS token as a security token that is pegged to a stake in Blockport and enables holders to profit sharing through dividends. Launched on…

Dutch Crypto Exchange Blockport Shuts Down, Vows to Return

Blockport, a cryptocurrency exchange based in the Netherlands, has been been forced to close due to lack of operating capital, but vowed to return. According to a filing reported by The Next Web, the official operating entity, Blockport BV, was declared bankrupt in a court in Amsterdam on May 21. The platform ceased services at the end of May, as announced in a blog post (although the website is still online as of writing). In the post, co-founder and chief product officer Sebastiaan Lichter said that following the exchange’s failed security…

Blockport Allows Bitcoin Deposits, Pursues Hybrid-Decentralized Exchange Model

Blockport Allows Bitcoin Deposits, Pursues Hybrid-Decentralized Exchange Model January 23, 2019 by Ian Edwards Dutch cryptocurrency exchange Blockport has announced that users will be able to deposit bitcoin with the firm, something which hadn’t been possible up till now. But though traders will now be able to transfer bitcoin to Blockport, the funds will actually be held in a wallet on one of three other crypto exchanges. The unusual setup is the first phase of Blockport’s plan to create a hybrid-decentralized exchange, on which is it working with blockchain technology…