Bitcoin to Rise to $20K This Year Spurred by Government Money Printing and Covid-19: Bloomberg

Bloomberg has forecast bitcoin to reach its record high of $20,000, and possibly $28,000, this year. According to the company’s June Crypto Outlook report, “something has to really go wrong for bitcoin not to appreciate in value.” Bloomberg points to quantitative easing and the coronavirus pandemic as the fuel behind bitcoin’s maturity, particularly when benchmarked against the falling stock market and crude oil. Both factors will cause the price of bitcoin (BTC) to rise. “Covid-19 is hastening the shift away from paper money and stimulating plenty of quantitative easing, which…

Bitcoin and Gold Will Be Unaffected by 2020 Market Tumult: Bloomberg Outlook

Despite the current market uncertainties some pundits point to gold and Bitcoin (BTC) as suitable hedges against future downturns. BTC remains of the best performing assets, maintaining its decoupling from mainstream stocks. Bitcoin and Gold as Hedge Against Uncertainties According to June 2020 Bloomberg Commodity Outlook, Bitcoin and gold will remain unaffected by any significant shakeups in the mainstream stock market arena. Numerous analysts point to both assets as safe-havens against upheavals in the broader financial sector. An excerpt from the Bloomberg market outlook reads: “Among the few assets up…

Bitcoin Price Will Rise to $28K in 2020, Latest Bloomberg Report Reveals

As traders eye the biggest quantitative easing program ever undertaken, Bitcoin could outperform the wider market in 2020 with investors scrambling to keep up with a rapidly evolving and uncertain situation. Bloomberg provided its outlook on cryptocurrencies mainly saying that all signs point to Bitcoin going on the major bull run in 2020, the only question is whether it will break the all-time high of $20,000. The latest report says Bitcoin could retest the record highs from 2017, and may even go as high as $28,000. The report says that…

Goldman Sachs Butts Heads With Bloomberg Over Bitcoin

According to a leaked PowerPoint slide, Goldman Sachs, in a May 27 call discussing the U.S. economic outlook, stated that cryptocurrencies are not an asset class. The wording of the slide appears to discourage its clients from investing in the up and coming technology-based asset. This stands in stark contrast to the views of former presidential hopeful, Michael Bloomberg, whose financial reform plan unequivocally called Bitcoin an asset class. Purported Goldman Sachs Slide From May 27 Call. Source: Ryane Browne’s Twitter Account. Bloomberg: Better than gold Michael Bloomberg’s plan openly…

Bloomberg Is NOT Giving Out BTC on Youtube

Scammers are streaming Michael Bloomberg speeches on YouTube, claiming that the former presidential candidate is giving away free Bitcoin (BTC).  Michael Bloomberg BTC Giveaway May 14, there were at least two such incidents with an apparent combined audience of almost 60,000. The scammers asked viewers to send between 0.1 BTC and 250 BTC to the video’s Bitcoin address, promising to return double their value. The channel alleged that Michael Bloomberg was facilitating crypto adoption through this mechanism. All related videos have since been removed by YouTube. Screenshots Of YouTube Streams.…

Bitcoin Pulls Away From Stock Market as Price Staying Above $8,000 Signals Strength – Bloomberg Analyst

Bitcoin (BTC) staying above $8,000 is a sign of increasing momentum and detachment from the stock market beta-pull, according to Bloomberg senior analyst Mike McGlone. In a new bitcoin report published on May 5, McGlone said that sustaining above this level is necessary to indicate strength. “Bitcoin is showing divergent strength versus the wobbly stock market,” he said, noting the cryptocurrency’s rapid decline on March 12, when it plunged 27%. BTC rose past $8,000 for the first time in several weeks at the end of April, largely spurred by the…

Bitcoin to Be Digital Gold in 2020, Says Bloomberg Report

Bitcoin will mature into a gold-like store of value this year, according to the latest projections by Bloomberg. The financial magazine’s report, “Bitcoin Maturation Leap,” notes that the cryptocurrency is poised for a bull run, after being temporarily dragged by the coronavirus-induced stock market tailspin. With its correlation to gold jumping to all-time highs, BTC is poised to transition from a risk-on speculative asset to the crypto market’s version of the metal. “This year marks a key test for bitcoin’s transition toward a quasi-currency like gold, and we expect it…

Trump’s Bitter Twitter Blast Proves Bloomberg Actually Won the Democratic Debate

Mike Bloomberg struggled to defend himself in the democratic debate. When the rest of the candidates attacked Bloomberg, it proved he’s become a real threat. Donald Trump’s nervous tweet about Bloomberg following the debate shows that he sees him as a threat. Wednesday was a tough night for Mike Bloomberg as he took the stage for his first-ever Presidential debate. His opponents, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, Pete Buttigieg, Amy Klobuchar and Joe Biden had a rare bonding moment that night as they joined forces to pile on Mr. Bloomberg. He…

Trump’s Bitter Twitter Blast Proves Bloomberg Actually Won the Democratic Debate

Mike Bloomberg struggled to defend himself in the democratic debate. When the rest of the candidates attacked Bloomberg, it proved he’s become a real threat. Donald Trump’s nervous tweet about Bloomberg following the debate shows that he sees him as a threat. Wednesday was a tough night for Mike Bloomberg as he took the stage for his first-ever Presidential debate. His opponents, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, Pete Buttigieg, Amy Klobuchar and Joe Biden had a rare bonding moment that night as they joined forces to pile on Mr. Bloomberg. He…

Dow Futures Dive As Bloomberg Implosion Locks In Bernie Sanders

U.S. stock market futures fell after Bernie Sanders nomination odds moved above 50% for the first time. Sanders was buoyed by the fact that Mike Bloomberg had a historically bad night, as his odds plummeted after an attack from Elizabeth Warren. Dow bulls were quick to buy the dip, but Wall Street still looks entirely complacent to the risk of a Sanders victory. Dow futures fell around 100 points to 29,244 Wednesday evening as the Democratic debate in Nevada sparked a violent reaction in betting odds that pushed Bernie Sanders…