Ledger to launch controversial recovery service

On Oct. 24, the controversial Recover service from hardware wallet manufacturer Ledger is expected to be released. This was confirmed by the company’s CTO, Charles Guilleme. The solution provides a paid, optional subscription wallet recovery service for users who need a secure seed backup, Guilleme said. Ledger Recover, provided by Coincover, is launching today! This solution is a paid, *optional* subscription wallet recovery service for users who want a secure backup of their Secret Recovery Phrase. 🧵 Let’s recap why this solution is a great and secure option for Ledger…

Blockchain investigator ZachXBT slams Gotbit over controversial services

Popular blockchain investigator says the firm’s leaked report shows “highly questionable services.” Blockchain sleuth ZachXBT called out Gotbit, a crypto market maker, for offering dubious services as the list of the firm’s services became public. In an X post on Sunday, Sept. 24, ZachXBT posted a screenshot of Gotbit’s services, which the firm is ready to offer to its clients. I would be weary of any projects you see working with the market maker @gotbit_io as a leaked report shows highly questionable services offered. Gotbit claims: “During the first minutes…

Controversial Euro CBDC Plan to Be Led by Stefan Berger, Architect of Landmark MiCA Crypto Law

The digital euro “is a solution looking for a problem and potentially only causes problems … it will only cause confusion amongst consumers and could undermine confidence in financial systems,” Hoogeveen said, although he acknowledged his party might not have enough votes to reject the plans outright. “We’ll at least try to adjust it and I will try my utmost to address the concerns of citizens.” Source

EU’s Data Act Still Contains Controversial Smart Contract Kill Switch, Despite Lobbying by Polygon, NEAR, Stellar, Cardano

CryptoX – Cryptocurrency Analysis and News Portal Negotiators said they had struck a deal on the controversial text on June 28, shortly after organizations linked to numerous blockchains, including Stellar, Polygon, NEAR and Cardano, expressed their concerns in an open letter, but no text has been released until now. Source The post EU’s Data Act Still Contains Controversial Smart Contract Kill Switch, Despite Lobbying by Polygon, NEAR, Stellar, Cardano appeared first on CryptoX. CryptoX Portal

EU finalizes controversial smart contract kill switch rules under Data Act

European Union (EU) lawmakers have reached an agreement to move ahead with the controversial European Data Act, which has previously drawn criticism from the crypto community. The deal was confirmed by the EU’s Commissioner for Internal Markets, Thierry Breton, in a tweet calling it a “milestone in reshaping the digital space.” Another deal! ⁰Tonight’s agreement on the #DataAct is a milestone in reshaping the digital space. Thanks to the swift work of the EP @delcastillop & the Council Presidency, we are on the way of a thriving data economy that is…

ConsenSys Faces Shareholder Vote Over Controversial Transfer of Company Assets

To execute the deal with JP Morgan, ConsenSys crafted a plan called Project NorthStar, designed in concert with the Swiss office of consulting giant PwC. Project NorthStar would call for the creation of a new Delaware C-corp called ConsenSys Software Inc (CSI) and the transfer of all major assets from the original Swiss company, ConsenSys AG (CAG), into the new entity. To determine the share of the new company that the original company would be awarded, ConsenSys had to arrive at a valuation of its core assets, which at the…

Is Biden’s controversial Bitcoin mining tax dead or set to rise from the ashes?

Bitcoin (BTC) miners in the United States can breathe a sigh of relief after a proposed tax on crypto mining did not make it into a bill to raise the U.S. debt ceiling that appears set to pass. The Digital Assets Mining Energy (DAME) excise tax proposal sought to charge crypto miners a tax equal to 10% of the cost of the electricity they used for mining in 2024, before scaling up to 30% in 2026. The tax was highly controversial, with critics arguing that it had the potential to…