Ripple Lead Developer Advises on Remote Work Amid Coronavirus Pandemic

Cryptographer and leading C++ software engineer at Ripple Nik Bougalis offers advice on remote work management to firms amid the coronavirus pandemic. In a March 16 tweet, Bougalis offered his help to company managers looking to have their teams work remotely. His proposal comes as the ongoing epidemic resulted in a global push for remote work in an attempt to decrease the opportunities that the disease has to spread further. Remote work encouraged amid the pandemic The Atlantic wrote on March 13 that people have anticipated the rise in remote…

Sending Cash to Friends and Family Through Bitcoin ATMs Is Safer Than Crowding Bank Offices During Pandemic

Transferring money over traditional channels may involve a lot of queuing in lines these days. Authorities around the world are trying to prevent large groups of people gathering in confined spaces to reduce the risk of transmitting the coronavirus infection. Remittances are a lifeline for people in many countries and cryptocurrency ATMs provide a way to send cash to loved ones without visiting a crowded bank office. Also read: These Online Stores Will Sell You Masks, Gloves, Emergency Items for Cryptocurrency Crypto ATM Transfers Safer Than Bank Wires in More…

WHO Labels Coronavirus a Pandemic — Is Crypto Safe?

The World Health Organization, or WHO, just officially classified coronavirus as a pandemic. At present, it is unclear whether Blockchain markets will be negatively impacted by this news, or provide safety from the storm. Officially known as COVID-19, the WHO said coronavirus has spread enough globally to warrant classification as a pandemic, CNBC reported on March 11. “In the past two weeks the number of cases outside China has increased thirteenfold and the number of affected countries has tripled,” Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the WHO’s director general, said at a…

Germany’s Coronavirus ‘Pandemic’ Warning Ramps Up Pressure on WHO

Germany’s health minister said that coronavirus had become a “worldwide pandemic.” The World Health Organization is still refusing to refer to the virus using that term. But the WHO’s admission that the death rate is higher than first believed shows the urgency of taking things more seriously. The coronavirus outbreak has become a “worldwide pandemic.” So says Germany’s health minister, Jens Spahn. Spahn broke ranks with the World Health Organization and officially used the dreaded word “pandemic.” He warned that the coronavirus had “not yet reached its peak in Germany,”…

Germany’s Coronavirus ‘Pandemic’ Warning Ramps Up Pressure on WHO

Germany’s health minister said that coronavirus had become a “worldwide pandemic.” The World Health Organization is still refusing to refer to the virus using that term. But the WHO’s admission that the death rate is higher than first believed shows the urgency of taking things more seriously. The coronavirus outbreak has become a “worldwide pandemic.” So says Germany’s health minister, Jens Spahn. Spahn broke ranks with the World Health Organization and officially used the dreaded word “pandemic.” He warned that the coronavirus had “not yet reached its peak in Germany,”…

Bitcoin Recovers as Coronavirus Pandemic Continues to Hurt Markets

On March 3, Bitcoin (BTC) price gained the most on speculation that the US Federal Reserve, as well as other central banks, will be supporting markets even as concerns of the coronavirus outbreak continue to grow. Bitcoin Jumps Over 4% After Last Week’s Plunge Bitcoin gained 4% to take its price to $8,895, having suffered a double-price decline last week. This is welcome news for Bitcoin bulls, following last week’s 14% drop, which was BTC’s largest weekly loss since November.  In the third week of November, Bitcoin dropped around 19%.…

Dow Jones Could Crash 40% Over Coronavirus Pandemic: Dr. Doom

Nouriel Roubini, who predicted the 2008 crash correctly, claims global equities could take a 40% hit because of the coronavirus outbreak. Dow Jones jumped over 5% on Monday, but such volatility is indicative of a bear market rally. Roubini’s prediction may prove correct as rate cuts will fail to work as a measure to stimulate spending. Investors losing faith in the Federal Reserve’s ability can lead to a brutal stock market crash. Famed economist Nouriel Roubini is known for making gloomy predictions that often come true. He was warning the…

Coronavirus Hits India’s Capital Delhi as Pandemic Fears Intensify

China’s neighbour India confirms its fourth and fifth coronavirus-positive cases. The authorities are now evaluating individuals that were in contact with the two patients. New Delhi’s first case increases fear towards a true global pandemic. India’s Ministry of Health has officially reported New Delhi’s first two cases of coronavirus (COVID-19). Fears of a coronavirus pandemic is rising India, which has fought against the coronavirus outbreak better than most countries in Asia, The first three cases of coronavirus in India were all reported in the state of Kerala. Since the cases…

Coronavirus Hits India’s Capital Delhi as Pandemic Fears Intensify

China’s neighbour India confirms its fourth and fifth coronavirus-positive cases. The authorities are now evaluating individuals that were in contact with the two patients. New Delhi’s first case increases fear towards a true global pandemic. India’s Ministry of Health has officially reported New Delhi’s first two cases of coronavirus (COVID-19). Fears of a coronavirus pandemic is rising India, which has fought against the coronavirus outbreak better than most countries in Asia, The first three cases of coronavirus in India were all reported in the state of Kerala. Since the cases…

Coronavirus Pandemic Could Spark a Global Depression & Warren Buffett’s Shopping Spree

Key industries like manufacturing in China, Japan, and South Korea are on the decline. Warren Buffett’s $130 billion cash pile will put Berkshire in a strong position to make big acquisitions. The patience of Buffett is starting to pay off for investors. Manufacturing is slowing down and major economies are being frozen as millions of people have been thrown out of the workforce. The coronavirus has put the global economy at risk of a long-lasting recession, and Warren Buffett ‘s patience is paying off. Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway has not made…