Coronavirus Pandemic Could Spark a Global Depression & Warren Buffett’s Shopping Spree

Key industries like manufacturing in China, Japan, and South Korea are on the decline. Warren Buffett’s $130 billion cash pile will put Berkshire in a strong position to make big acquisitions. The patience of Buffett is starting to pay off for investors. Manufacturing is slowing down and major economies are being frozen as millions of people have been thrown out of the workforce. The coronavirus has put the global economy at risk of a long-lasting recession, and Warren Buffett ‘s patience is paying off. Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway has not made…

Two Bizzare New Coronavirus Cases Stroke Global Pandemic Fears

A shocking coronavirus first sees a Japanese woman test positive – twice. A new confirmed case in the U.S. has no ties to previously confirmed patients, making community spread possible. Australia PM has warned of a pandemic, as the outbreak worsens. Two worrying cases of coronavirus have emerged in the U.S. and Japan that could signal how the virus outbreak could further expand even with strong precautionary measures in place. Japanese woman gets infected – twice In Osaka, Japan, a tour guide was cleared by the authorities after being tested…

Coronavirus Is a Pandemic Whether the WHO Admits It or Not

Coronavirus fits the criteria for a pandemic although the WHO is hesitant to use the word. For now, coronavirus is more mild than past pandemics but that could change over the next few weeks. China’s dropping number of cases has cast the nation as an expert in containment despite harsh criticism over Beijing’s handling of the disease just weeks ago. With new outbreaks across Europe and the Middle East, it’s clear that containing the coronavirus is becoming impossible. The U.S., England and France have already started bracing for what many…