Stanford University, Home of Sam Bankman-Fried’s Professor Parents, Will Return ‘Gifts’ Donated by FTX: Report

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Parents of Sam Bankman-Fried Sued by FTX Estate Over Allegedly Siphoning Funds From Crypto Exchange: Report

The parental guardians of former FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried are reportedly being sued by the crypto exchange’s bankruptcy estate for allegedly misappropriating funds. According to a new article from the Financial Times, Joseph Bankman and Barbara Fried are being sued by the FTX estate over allegedly siphoning funds from the now-bankrupt exchange. Says prosecutors, “As early as 2018, Bankman described Alameda as a ‘family business’ — a phrase he repeatedly used to refer to the FTX Group.” However, Bankman and Fried’s lawyers say the allegation is “a dangerous attempt to intimidate…

FTX founder’s parents sued, accused of stealing millions from crypto exchange

Debtors of the bankrupt cryptocurrency exchange FTX have launched action against the parents of FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried, alleging that they misappropriated millions of dollars through their involvement in the exchange’s business. The counsel for FTX debtors and debtors-in-possession, represented by the law firm Sullivan & Cromwell, on Sept. 18 filed a lawsuit against SBF’s parents, Joseph Bankman and Barbara Fried. The plaintiffs argued that Bankman and Fried exploited their access and influence within the FTX empire to enrich themselves at the expense of the debtors in the FTX bankruptcy…

FTX Files Lawsuit against Founder’s Parents Over Alleged Fund Misappropriation

FTX’s lawsuit seeks redress for the alleged fraudulent financial activities undertaken by Joseph Bankman and Barbara Fried. In an expected turn of events, the bankrupt FTX Trading Ltd has filed a lawsuit against the parents of its founder and former CEO Sam Bankman-Fried. The lawsuit alleges that Joseph Bankman and Barbara Fried were involved in the fraudulent transfer and misappropriation of millions of dollars. FTX’s Allegations and Lawsuit against Bankman and Fried A recent report highlights that FTX’s court filing paints a troubling picture of Joseph Bankman and Barbara Fried,…

Judge approves taps on SBF’s parents’ phones to meet bail conditions

Surveillance software has been successfully implemented on Sam Bankman-Fried’s parents’ cell phones to ensure he does not breach the conditions of his bail, with a Judge approving of the measure. Bankman-Fried’s lawyers requested an extension on April 19 for the enforcement of the FTX co-founder’s recently revised bail conditions, citing difficulties in finding the required surveillance software for his parents’ cell phones. Initially, Bankman-Fried’s lawyers suggested they would install software that would take a photo of the user “every five minutes.” In an April 21 filing in a New York…

SBF’s lawyers unable to tap his parent’s phones to meet bail conditions

Sam Bankman-Fried’s legal team have requested a third extension on the enforcement of his revised bail conditions, citing difficulties in installing monitoring software on his parents cell phones to capture a photo of the user “every five minutes.” In an April 19 court filing in the Southern District of New York, Sam Bankman-Fried’s lawyers, Mark Cohen and Christian Everdell, stated that they have successfully implemented “all of the bail conditions set forth in the Order,” with the exception of monitoring the usage of Bankman-Fried’s parents’ cell phones. It was noted:…

Ex-Stanford dean says SBF’s parents helped his family battle cancer

The former dean of Stanford Law School who co-signed Sam Bankman-Fried’s bail said he considered Bankman-Fried’s parents “the truest of friends” who helped his family through a “harrowing battle with cancer.” In an emailed statement to Cointelegraph on Feb. 16, Larry Kramer said he co-signed Bankman-Fried’s bail as a way to return the favor. “Joe Bankman and Barbara Fried have been close friends of my wife and I since the mid-1990s,” said Kramer. Screenshot of Larry Kramer bio on Hewlett Foundation website. Source: Hewlett Foundation He said that over the…

This 25-Year-Old Traded $2 B In Crypto From Parents’ Home

Per public filings with the Australian Securities and Investment Commission, a 25-year-old registered a million-dollar-worth trading company at his parents’ house. According to a report, the company successfully traded over $2 billion in Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. The trading desk is PO Street Capital, and its founder Darren Nguyen lives in an Australian suburb. The report claims that Nguyen and his company tried to keep a low profile and avoided attracting attention over the past two years. However, public records were discovered by journalists showcasing a $7 million profit in…