Kendall Jenner Accused of Appropriation – She’s Now a True Kardashian –

  • Kendall Jenner just announced her new tequila brand, 818 tequila.
  • The model is already facing quite a backlash for it as social media users are accusing her of cultural appropriation.
  • She now joins a long lineage of tone-deaf history from the Kardashian crew.

Kendall Jenner is releasing her own tequila brand, and the world is not ready.

And by ‘not ready,’ I mean they don’t want it—ever.

At least that’s the vibe on social media as people have been quick to call Jenner’s latest endeavor ‘cultural appropriation.’ And we can’t blame them; appropriation is practically a Kardashian way of life.

But is creating a tequila brand cultural appropriation? And should Jenner be lumped in with her tone-deaf family? Let’s take a look.

Kendall Jenner Announces Her New Brand

Kendall Jenner was pumped to announce her new tequila brand, 818. The name is a nod to the area code of her home in Calabasas, CA–the richest neighborhood in the entire country.

She announced the tequila brand to her 152+ million Instagram followers.

The crew takes a sip in a mansion. | Source: Instagram

Of course, her tequila post was immediately preceded by a photo of her bare buttocks. Way to get people’s attention the best way you know, Kendall!

According to Jenner’s post, her tequilas have already won awards, including several SIP awards. According to its website, SIP is “the only internationally recognized consumer judging spirits competition.” Way to go, Kendall. We’re all rooting for you to make more money.

Unfortunately, people on social media weren’t ready for congratulations.

The Accusations Come Rolling Out

It didn’t take long for people on Twitter to get upset. It is, after all, the main reason for the app, right?

One user said that white celebrities shouldn’t be profiting off of Mexican traditions, especially if they “only visit Cabos and Puerto Vallarta for vacation spots…”

Kendall Jenner
Rich white celebrities are not exactly prized at the moment. | Source: Twitter

Kendall Jenner was roasted for fumbling the wording in her post:

Kendall Jenner
Whoopsie, Kendall. | Source: Twitter

Another Twitter user straight-up called Jenner’s latest endeavor “GENTRIFICATION.” She followed that up, in a series of tweets, by claiming Calabasas does not represent ‘the 818.’ There are many low-income neighborhoods in the area code, which is absolutely true. Places like Panorama City and Van Nuys are low-income neighborhoods with high Latinx populations that, presumably, have no connection to Calabasas or Jenner’s lavish lifestyle.

Kendall Jenner
Click the link to the right to see this Twitter user’s recommendations for smaller, family-owned tequila brands. | Source: Twitter

There was some pushback to the critics as well. Some people were just happy that more Mexican people would be getting jobs. One Twitter user celebrated the fact that some supplier in Jalisco likely hit the jackpot with Jenner.

Not a bad point, either. | Source: Twitter

Another just couldn’t get down with the aggressiveness of the accusers.

Kendall Jenner
Pushing back against the pushback. | Source: Twitter

The Kardashians Do Not Have a Great Track Record

Unfortunately for Kendall Jenner, her clan does not have a history of consideration regarding other cultures. Kim Kardashian has been accused of casual racism, cultural appropriation, and general, overwhelming ignorance. Her cornrow phase will not be forgotten any time soon.

Kim Kardashian
Never forget. | Source: Twitter

Kylie Jenner showed off her lavish, maskless vacations with friends during the height of the Black Lives Matter protests instead of supporting the cause.

Even Kourtney Kardashian decided to join forces with ‘problematic’ influencer Addison Rae.

So, it comes as no surprise that people are ready to lunge at anyone in this tone-deaf, talentless family. But as unlikeable as they are, the question remains: is Kendall Jenner appropriating Mexican culture?


This is obviously a nuanced, emotionally charged topic. Kendall Jenner and her whole family and brand are about as unlikeable they come. (And yet, who are all these people that follow them?)

But if we’re going to call her an appropriator for making tequila, then that opens up a whole new world of accusations.

Is Jay-Z a cultural appropriator for making vodka? Are Kevin Hart and Dwayne Johnson both appropriators for making their own, separate tequilas as well? Are the local, family-owned Mexican tequila makers appropriators for profiting off the use of electricity, which wasn’t invented in Mexico?

I’m obviously not the person to make the final call, but you can take the facts and make your own conclusion. This seems to be less about appropriation and more about a healthy disdain for the Kardashians and the Jenners.

And that’s a stance that we can all get behind.

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect the views of


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