Cryptocurrency Deleveraging is Bitter Medicine

Nansen report suggests that one-way bullish bets and numerous levels of hypothecation of cryptocurrencies used in decentralized finance led to the contagion from the fallout of TerraUSD and Luna.  Complete unwinding of leverage and counterparty failure will take weeks if not months to trickle through the entire cryptocurrency ecosystem. A recent report published by blockchain analytics company has started to shed light onto possible reasons that led to the fall of some of the biggest crypto firms such as lender Celsius Network and hedge fund Three Arrows Capital. According…

Bitter reminder for crypto users to stay vigilant

An unfortunate Bitcoin (BTC) user was duped out of 0.255 BTC, almost $10,000, due to malware running on their computer.  Louis Nel, a tech blogger and crypto enthusiast, flagged the issue on Twitter, referring to his friend as ‘C.’ A friend sent 0.255BTC from his bitcoin wallet to an exchange. He copied and pasted the wallet address on his computer. After 4 hours he was worried when the funds did not arrive at the exchange… — Louis Nel (@LouisNel) March 14, 2022 Nel told Cointelegraph that C’s “Bitcoin was sent…

Could blockchain end bitter vote-rigging disputes once and for all?

From the United States to Uganda, allegations of vote rigging have become part and parcel of elections worldwide. Some of these claims are legitimate, with strongmen leaders suppressing the will of the people in a desperate attempt to cling on to power. But in other cases, such accusations are made with little evidence. Fake videos swirl online that paint a picture of manipulation on an industrial scale — depicting a world where ballot papers are dumped in bins. Whether true or false, even the mere suggestion of vote rigging is…

Smart Money Indicator Signals Bitter End To Chainlink Uptrend

Chainlink has been the highlight of the crypto market for the last few years. It is about the only asset setting new record high after high. Meanwhile, the rest of the asset class is down between 40% to as much as 90% or more in some cases from their peaks. However, an indicator that spots behavioral patterns by “smart money” may be signaling that Chainlink’s uptrend is over for good. Or at least until a strong enough correction makes prices attractive once again. Here’s what to expect if the indicator…

The History of the Bitter Debate Over Ethereum’s ProgPoW

The Ethereum (ETH) community has recently been engaged in a bitter debate sparked by a proposed mining algorithm change. Dubbed ProgPoW, the proposal would invalidate all currently existing ASICs to only allow mining Ethereum with a GPU. While ProgPoW was born in 2018, it has seen alternate periods of stasis and active discussion during the two years of development. The latest round of debates was sparked by what, to some, seemed like a sudden reintroduction of ProgPoW into the Ethereum roadmap. During the Feb. 21 Dev call, Ethereum Improvement Proposal…

Trump’s Bitter Twitter Blast Proves Bloomberg Actually Won the Democratic Debate

Mike Bloomberg struggled to defend himself in the democratic debate. When the rest of the candidates attacked Bloomberg, it proved he’s become a real threat. Donald Trump’s nervous tweet about Bloomberg following the debate shows that he sees him as a threat. Wednesday was a tough night for Mike Bloomberg as he took the stage for his first-ever Presidential debate. His opponents, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, Pete Buttigieg, Amy Klobuchar and Joe Biden had a rare bonding moment that night as they joined forces to pile on Mr. Bloomberg. He…

Trump’s Bitter Twitter Blast Proves Bloomberg Actually Won the Democratic Debate

Mike Bloomberg struggled to defend himself in the democratic debate. When the rest of the candidates attacked Bloomberg, it proved he’s become a real threat. Donald Trump’s nervous tweet about Bloomberg following the debate shows that he sees him as a threat. Wednesday was a tough night for Mike Bloomberg as he took the stage for his first-ever Presidential debate. His opponents, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, Pete Buttigieg, Amy Klobuchar and Joe Biden had a rare bonding moment that night as they joined forces to pile on Mr. Bloomberg. He…

Bitcoin’s Meteoric Surge Exposes Bitter Irony of Russia’s Crypto Skeptics

Get Exclusive Analysis and Investing Ideas of Future Assets on Join the community today and get up to $400 in discount by using the code: “CCN+Hacked”. Sign up here. Get Exclusive Analysis and Investing Ideas of Future Assets on Join the community today and get up to $400 in discount by using the code: “CCN+Hacked”. Sign up here. For anyone thinking of promoting bitcoin as an investment, Russia might not be the ideal place to set up shop. According to the Russian Public Opinion Research Center (VTsIOM), around…

2018 Bitter Year for Bitcoin

2018 bitter year for Bitcoin as there is a high likelihood for it to register the biggest loss in the calendar year since it was created. For the year 2018, Bitcoin started with close $14,100. However, at the time of writing this article, Bitcoin is being traded under $3,675.54, presenting an almost 73% price margin drop the biggest loss ever registered during a specific year. A few weeks ago, Bitcoin traded close $6,300. A price that was relatively stable and Bitcoin had from August until November, with the exception of…