UNI Price Slides 8% As Uniswap Delays Crucial Voting Proposal

In a blow to the momentum of the Uniswap native token, UNI, the decentralized exchange (DEX) has been forced to postpone a highly anticipated proposal that would have improved its token governance and fee distribution model.  Meanwhile, the company is also locked in a legal battle with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) over the regulatory status of its UNI token. Postponed UNI Governance Upgrade Sparks Sell-off  On Friday, the Uniswap Foundation announced that it was delaying the deployment of the first proposal to activate Uniswap Protocol Governance. The…

DCF Announces Passage of Proposal for Better Liquidity and Efficiency in Cosmos Network

CoinspeakerDCF Announces Passage of Proposal for Better Liquidity and Efficiency in Cosmos Network The Decentralized Cooperation Foundation (DCF) announced the successful passage of Proposal #912, a transformative initiative within the Cosmos network, a leading decentralized network of independent parallel blockchains, aimed at improving liquidity and economic stability. Proposal #912: Milestone for Cosmos Network Recently approved by the Cosmos community, Proposal #912 introduces a robust framework for liquid staking. This initiative is designed to allow staked assets to be traded freely through derivative tokens, therefore enhancing the liquidity within the network.…

OP_CAT Proposal Assigned BIP-347, Aims to Enhance Bitcoin With Ethereum-Style Smart Contracts

OP_CAT, a proposal aimed at introducing Ethereum-like smart contract functionality to Bitcoin, has been assigned the Bitcoin Improvement Proposal (BIP) number 347, marking the first step towards potentially implementing this long-discussed software upgrade. Co-authors Ethan Heilman and Armin Sabouri have emphasized that receiving a BIP number mainly facilitates discussion around the proposal by providing a […] Original

OP_CAT Proposal to Bring Smart Contracts to Bitcoin Finally Gets a ‘BIP Number’

While Quantum Cats is one of the most popular inscription projects to date, OP_CAT itself is far from universally accepted. There is some speculation, for instance, that despite Heilman and Sabouri submitting their BIP proposal several months ago, it was being held off from approval by lone BIP editor and Bitcoin Core dev Luke Dashjr, who is not alone in his skepticism of recent on-chain experimentation. Original

Solana (SOL) Validators Approve “Timely Vote Credits” Proposal to Accelerate Blockchain Transactions

Solana validators have approved a proposal called “Timely Vote Credits” to reduce consensus vote latency and incentivize timely votes, potentially speeding up blockchain transactions, before implementing the mechanism. Solana (SOL) validators have voted in favor of a proposal called “Timely Vote Credits” that aims to reduce the latency of consensus votes, potentially accelerating blockchain transactions. This proposal introduces a mechanism to incentivize validators to make timely votes, addressing an issue where some validators delay their votes to maximize earnings without penalty. Currently, Solana validators receive a fixed one-vote credit for…